
New XAMPP with PHP 7.2.8, 7.1.20, 7.0.31 & 5.6.37

Hi Apache Friends!

We just released new versions of XAMPP for all platforms with the latest PHP versions: 7.2.8, 7.1.20, 7.0.31 & 5.6.37.

You can download these new versions at

7.2.8 / 7.1.20 / 7.0.31 / 5.6.37

  • PHP to 7.2.8 / 7.1.20 / 7.0.31 / 5.6.37
  • Apache to 2.4.34
  • MariaDB to 10.1.34 (only in XAMPP 7.0.31 and 5.6.37)
  • phpMyAdmin 4.8.2 (only in XAMPP 7.0.31 and 5.6.37)

Security fix in the OS X VMs

We also updated the base image of the OS X VMs solutions to fix the SegmentSmack (CVE-2018-5390) security vulnerability. If you have a running VM, you can update the machine's kernel by running these commands

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade reboot
